Lazy Girls Guide To Plastic-Free July
Author: Anneke Los | 14/07/2020

Lazy Girls Guide To Plastic-Free July

It’s time to go green. Whether you are swearing off plastic for the month of July or you're simply changing a few of your normal rituals to make them a little more eco friendly, the important thing is every little bit counts. 

When it comes to health, you know we’re big fans of baby steps. In fact we think it’s the best way to actually change your health for the better. We never advise going on crazy challenges or diets (no thanks!), but we love to see our #girlgang taking small measures to better their health, and therefore better their life. 

And it’s the same when it comes to the planet. There’s no need to go completely crazy and end up giving up. Here are a few easy changes to reduce your footprint for the month of July, and hopefully forever! Let’s say it’s the lazy girl’s guide. 


Try home composting 

It’s actually less complicated than you think! Trust us… There’s a reason we chose to wrap our gummies in a compostable film. 

Composting is simply the process of breaking down organic waste (basically the scraps from your fruit and vegetables) into something that is used to help plants grow. 

If you already have a compost bin or compost pile in your garden (claps for you!), our clear plant-based wrappers can simply be added to the pile with your food scraps. If you don’t ever compost or it seems like something only for the eco-hippies of the world, it’s not, and here’s why you should consider getting into composting even if you’ve never considered it before.

Food scraps and plant materials when dealt with correctly can decompose naturally and return nutrients to the soil. However when mixed with our normal rubbish (think non-recyclables like plastic containers, coffee cups and other materials) it ends up in landfill and can’t decompose properly - only adding our already overflowing amount of waste and producing methane gas which is harmful for the environment.

There are many different ways to compost. In the garden if you have one or in your apartment in a specific type of bin made just for composting. In many places there is community composting too! Have a check-in with your local council or farmers market and see what the options are and if there’s any community composting bins in your neighbourhood!


Eat seasonal and choose local

Have you ever bought a mango in the peak of winter and wondered why it just didn’t taste quite right? It’s likely because it was imported from another country. You see, most fruit and vegetables grow according to seasons, some are best harvested in winter, some in summer and some fruit all year round. 

While at first it may seem great that your supermarket stocks all types of fruit and veg throughout the year, unfortunately it’s not the best for the environment. This is because this food has to travel from far away, often on the other side of the world, so transport costs and miles go way up, leaving an unnecessary carbon footprint. But also, it may mean that the fruit and veg that naturally grow in your location are being pushed to the back of the shelves and going to waste. 

The sad reality is that food waste is a serious contributor to our climate woes, but the good news is that it’s one of the easiest things to combat. 

We’re basically telling you to eat the food in your fridge before shopping for new groceries. So I’m being #eco if I eat? In a roundabout way… Yes! And you won’t believe how much money you save from not having to chuck out food. It’s really a win all round. 

And the same goes for the products you buy. You want your veggies grown in the soil of your home, and your products manufactured by the people of your country. Just like your fresh fruit and vegetables, choosing locally made brands means less miles of shipping and more supporting of your local economy and people! 


DIY your favourite beauty treatments

By now you know we strongly believe in the power of mother nature (that’s why we carefully selected natural fruit based ingredients for our gummies, with no nasty additives), and when it comes to beauty, nature actually provides us with some powerful ingredients that keep our skin glowing. 

If you can DIY some of your beauty treatments, that’s one less product you have to buy… Better for the earth and for your wallet. 
And make it fun! We totally believe wellness is better together, so invite your friends around and make a mask together. Here is one of our favourite face mask recipes: 

Kakadu Plum + Manuka Honey Radiance Face Mask (makes 5-8 masks worth)

  • 2 tablespoons bentonite clay 
  • 2 tablespoons manuka honey 
  • 2 tablespoons water 
  • 1 tablespoon Kakadu Plum Powder
  1. Combine all ingredients in a small bowl and store in a jar. Apply to a dry face, leave for 10 to 15 minutes until hard, then wash off with a warm face towel. 
  2. Finish off with a natural moisturiser to replenish the skin, or apply an oil especially if you are going to sleep. Some great picks are hemp seed oil, olive oil and jojoba oil. Store mask in the fridge and use within 5 days. 

Eh violet! 

And if you’re more of an inner beauty fan, we’ve got you covered. Our BeautyBare is packed with native Kakadu plum, vitamin C and hydrolysed marine collagen.

How are you going to make your life a little more eco?