Coming Out Of Isolation: What Not To Do
Author: Anneke Los | 30/06/2020

Coming Out Of Isolation: What Not To Do

We’ve all been some version of “stuck inside” for months during this pandemic. And while restrictions were varied throughout the globe, we can all agree that times have been very *different* over the previous months. As we start to see restrictions lifted, there are a lot of *feels* both positive and negative, that surface. 

First things first, forgive yourself for whatever it is you’ve been hard on yourself for. This global pandemic completely pulled the rug out from underneath us. Many lost jobs, many couldn’t see loved ones for extended periods of time and many lost thousands of dollars to trips and events that were no longer happening. 

And it’s totally ok to be in a tough place, or to perhaps not have dealt with this year in a totally virtuous way. You know, meditating through the hard times, doing hardcore home workouts every day and cooking a three course dinner every night. 

And if that is what felt right for you then all power to you! There isn’t a right or wrong way to a global pandemic.

It’s normal to feel a little anxiety coming out of this period (don’t believe us? Ask your friends if they feel the same). But today we’ve got a few tips for you of what not to do as we come out of isolation. 



Don't start an intense fitness challenge. 

Let’s be real. Majority of people have found themselves in a much more sedentary lifestyle than normal. So you may feel a little unfit or blah, and it can be extremely tempting to run towards a fitness challenge (brace yourselves for the ads that are about to come your way). But you really don’t need to do this in order to feel fit and healthy again. 

Start small with walks and maybe the odd class if you have studios open around you. You don’t need to suddenly book ten classes a day and workout non stop just because they are now open. Small steps have big, and often longer lasting, returns. 



Don't go on a fad diet.

Similar to fitness challenges, you don’t need to run to a diet plan just because you may have found yourself eating ice cream at 10am (it’s #iso ok there were no rules). Big behaviour changes, especially when it comes to diet, mean you are more likely to give up or give in. So start small, implementing changes throughout the day to combat some of those negative habits that may have crept in. 



Don't jump straight back into pre-iso life.

Times have changed and it would be crazy not to address it. While we can all be excited about our favourite cafes, studios and the like opening up right now, it’s important we don’t get swept up in the excitement of it all. Remember all that you have learnt during isolation, and teachings about yourself or realisations about your life, and see how you can bring this new you into post pandemic life! Let’s move forward with grace and positivity.


Don't spend all your cash.

Some were lucky enough to find themselves with a little more savings than normal. Turns out all those coffees, brunches and sneaky green juices (those things are expensive!) really do add up. And if you have found yourself with a bit more cash in the bank, lucky you! As we move out of isolation and spending opportunities swiftly present themselves to you, try not to blow all your cash in one go. It’s a fabulous time to reflect on any unnecessary spending or money habits you may have never known you had. 


So there’s a few things to think about, but importantly we want you to focus on the positives, be present and grow as we begin life again! For those that have not been greatly affected, how lucky you are and for those that have, we stand with you and move forward from here.